
What is Spiritual Direction?

riverSpiritual direction is a practice in which a person works with a spiritual director to explore and reflect on their spiritual life. It is not counseling or therapy, but rather a form of guidance aimed at helping people notice their relationship with God, reflect on their spiritual experiences, or discern a decision.

Each session might look a little different, depending on the goals of the directee. Some of the things that might take place in a meeting are: attentive listening to the directee, noticing moments that seem significant, inquiring about God’s presence in their experiences, or inviting a directee into a spiritual practice. Spiritual direction is a form of spiritual accompaniment that encourages the individual’s unique journey of faith.

Meeting With Me

candlesIf you express interest in meeting with me for spiritual direction, I will schedule a free introductory meeting, which will last approximately 30 minutes. I will also email a spiritual direction agreement to look over ahead of time. During our initial meeting we can talk about the agreement and I can answer any questions you may have. 

Spiritual direction meetings happen once every four to six weeks, with each meeting lasting approximately 60 minutes. At this time, my spiritual direction practice completely online. Once we’ve agreed to meet I’ll send you a link to my calendar scheduler where you can choose a date and time that works for your schedule. This scheduler will send us both a link for the online meeting. I commit to begin and end our sessions on time, so you are free to participate freely without having to check the clock.

My fee structure is: 
Regular – $100 per session
Student Discount – $75 per session
Financial Hardship – ask about my sliding scale 

I can accept payment through Zelle or PayPal after we meet. If you need to cancel a session, I ask for a 24 hour notice.
Either one of us is free to end our Spiritual Direction relationship at our own choosing. 

Email me if you’re interested in meeting with me for spiritual direction. We can set up a free introductory meeting.